Some days I feel like time is inching by at
the pace of a snail and then days like today I look back and think holy cow where have the past few years gone? Five years ago today Thad and I were married in the Mesa temple. I remember it like it was just yesterday. Thad and I had been dating off and on for so long that when the day finally came I wasn't nervous at all. I was just
sooo ready to be married and get things moving along :-) We had our wedding reception in his parents back yard and it was beautiful. His dad had gotten us a room at the Hyatt Regency for the night and the next morning we were supposed to head out to California for our honeymoon.
I had always dreamed about going to Hawaii on my honeymoon but Thad said he'd already spent a fortune on my ring :-) He said if I agreed to go to California on our honeymoon that we could stay at the Hotel Del Coronado and rent a convertible car to drive around in. I was actually very excited to go. Thad had packed and extra piece of luggage and I was so bugged about it because I thought:
Sheesh,I'm the girl, why on earth does he need two suitcases???? He never could quite explain why he needed it and I wasn't allowed to open it either. When we got to the airport to check in he said "
Umm, there's something I need to tell you. I've been lying to you for months now".
If that didn't send up immediate red flags I don't know what would. I kept thinking, what on earth does he have to tell me. By the look on his face it couldn't be good. I was actually afraid he was going to reveal some deep dark secret of his :-) Then he says "We aren't going to California, we are going to Maui". The extra suitcase was to carry all of our new snorkeling gear.
Thad has always kept me on my toes and five years later that hasn't changed. The past five years haven't been perfect but Thad sure has made the ride quite an adventure. Life is never boring around the Mason household. We have had so many wonderful things happen since we've been married including our two beautiful girls that we love to pieces.
Thanks for the adventures honey, here's to an eternity of more!!!!