I cannot believe that my little pumpkin is 4 years old. She is growing up way too fast.
Jacey is such a good little helper, especially with her little sister. I miss her being a little baby but I sure do love that she's old enough now to help Mommy out :-)
She started pre-school this year with Mrs. Kerry and LOVES it. It's so fun to see all of the new things she is learning. She is way too observant and picks up on EVERYTHING. She just loves to tattle on her Daddy. This year her favorite things have been Dora, my little ponies and anything with Disney Princesses.
I took her in for her 4 year checkup and she weighed 43 lbs and is 44 inches tall which puts her in the 97th percentile for both. No surprises there :-)
I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday this year and she said "A princess party with my best friends". So, that's what we did.
We started out giving them all makeovers so that they looked all pretty. Then they proceeded to decorate their princess crowns, frost & decorate some cupcakes, and play several "princess" games. It was so fun to see her get so excited about her birthday party.
(The girls decorating their cupcakes as their crowns dry)