1.) Thad is the hardest worker I know. When asked what age he'd like to retire he answers "Never, I'd be bored out of my mind".
2.) Although he drives me absolutely bonkers sometimes, no one can make me laugh as hard as Thad can. He HAS to always be the life of the party. He can never just be serious :-)
3.) Thad is the best Dad. Jacey absolutely adores him. If I leave to go anywhere she just waves and says "Bye Mommy", but when Daddy leaves it's tears and screams :-(
4.) Thad can get along with almost anyone. He is one of the most outgoing people I've ever met. I've lived in my house for over 7 years and still don't know most of my neighbors. Thad knows almost every person on our street (and the next) by name :-)
5.) Okay, this one is a love and a hate. Thad is the biggest tight wad you will EVER meet. Unless it's something he wants (motorcycle!!!). Most of the time I hate this BUT I also love it about him because it has enabled us to stay out of debt and to be financially secure. There's no better feeling than not having to worry especially in this crazy economy. Now, if he would just buy me a new house I'd be even happier :-) :-) :-)
I love you babe. Happy Anniversary!!!!!
you guys did look so beautiful on you wedding night. We were so excited it was FINALLY going to happen. Thad is a great guy but he got a wonderful catch as well. Happy anniversary to both of you. We love you guys.
You baby is beautiful I need to call you back life is crazy I promise I will!!
You look beautiful even after two kids. You have such a wonderful family. Keep up the great work! Im proud of you.
Your too nice, but thank you :-)
Congrats on the anniversary --- and on the new baby --- she is adorable!!! Also, Jacey is the cutest and best swimming 2 year old I have ever seen -- love the videos of her in the pool --- holy crap -- when did she learn to swim? 2 years old and a little fish --- must be that mason blood!!! anyways, can't wait to meet little keely and introduce Cash at christmas when we are out there
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