Most of you already read my news on facebook but don't know the story behind my post so here goes :-)
Thad and I (and the girls) went to the Dr. Thursday morning to find out what we are having. The nurse came in and asked ME "How is everything going, are you having any problems, etc...?". Thad immediately chimes in "OH my GOSH, I'm dying. My wife is sick all of the time and always cranky and I have to cook, clean, AND watch the kids. What kind of medicine can you give me????". The nurse just rolled her eyes at him. Then he continued his rant by saying "I can't believe we are having another baby. I thought we were done. I don't even know how it happened, I was just watching t.v at the time."
WHAT?????? Seriously, who says something like that (besides Thad)?????
The nurse looks at him and says "You guys belong on Dr. Phil".
As soon as the nurse left I turned to Thad and said "What the heck is your problem? Keep your mouth shut when the Dr. comes in. You've already embarrassed me enough for one lifetime."
So, the Dr. comes in and does the ultrasound. When he tells us it's a BOY, Thad chimes in again with "WHAT????, OH MY GOSH, this baby is going to cost me a fortune!!!! Dr., are you sure you didn't make a mistake. If we have a girl my wife doesn't have an excuse to go out and buy all new everything." The Dr. looked at him and said "At least you don't have 6 boys like me". Ha, ha....
The Dr. said that it was pretty darn obvious that it is a boy and showed us the printed proof. Thad of course chimes in again and says "Yep, he takes after his Father!!!".
Seriously, I can't remember the last time Thad has embarrassed me so bad. He is not allowed out in public ever again. Heaven help me if my "boy" turns out anything like him :-)
I"m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I won't be able to re-use all my cute outfits, hairbows, shoes, etc.... on this new baby. I'm praying my sister Gina has a girl and I can pass them along to her.
Oh well, Thad was right. I do have a great excuse to go shopping now :-)