I love Christmas time but I have to say I sure am glad it's all over!!!!
Christmas this year was different for many reasons, both good and bad.
Usually I get the house all decked out (including the tree), make tons of goodies to distribute to friends and neighbors, do LOTS of shopping (usually going overboard) and eating everything in sight.
This year: We were lucky to get the tree up, let alone do any decorating. My tree had a measly 5 ornaments on it. The only reason it had lights was because it was pre-lit. Thank goodness!!!!
I did attempt to do some baking this year. I spent one afternoon and made goodies like crazy. My intent was to make fudge the next day to add to the goody plates but that did not happen. Oh well. At least a few people got treats :-) I have to say that it is absolutely no fun being sick and pregnant during Christmas.
Jacey is finally at the age where she is beginning to understand what "Christmas" is and it was soooo fun watching her get so excited over everything. I can't count the number of times she would come to me and say "Mommy, Keely's on the naughty list again." According to Jacey, Keely was always on the naughty list for either, crying, climbing on the table, making a mess, etc... Jacey of course was a perfect angel, right???????
Jacey also made lists daily of what she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas. Too bad she doesn't know how to write yet. Only she could read the list :-)
I only went shopping twice this year so Thad definitely didn't have to worry about me going overboard. I just didn't have the energy to spend any money :-(
It has been a tradition in my family to go over to my parents house for Breakfast Jacks on Christmas morning. My Sister and her husband where in town this year so I wanted to be sure and make it for breakfast. The only problem? Breakfast was scheduled for 7:30 a.m.
For any of you that know our family. We are NEVER up before 8:30. Usually not even by 9:00. So, 7:30 was going to kill me :-)
I got up at 7, woke the kids up. Yep, you read that right. I had to wake the kids up to go open their presents. Jacey was cranky until I told her Santa had come. It was so fun watching her get so excited over opening her gifts. Keely's favorite was going through the stockings and trying to shove all of the candy in her mouth, wrappers and all. She spent most of the day with some sort of mini candy (still wrapped) hanging from her teeth :-)
I learned a very valuable lesson this year. I need to either buy the girls the same gifts or give Jacey's gifts to Keely and vice versa. I swear they spent all day trying to take away the other's toy :-)
I had a really hard time trying to figure out what to get Thad this year. Usually I have no problem spending money on him but as stated earlier, I did not want to be out shopping.
Needless to say, due to poor communication between us, we both ended up with the same gift. You can imagine my surprise when I opened up his present to me and found that he had gotten me a Wii. "Hmm, Thad, you'd better open up your present now". At least we both got a good laugh out of it.
Jacey's favorite gifts where: The V-tech camera from Santa, Keely's giraffe bike and the barbie scooter from grandma and grandpa Skousen.
Keely's favorite gifts where: Her V-tech giraffe and Jacey's scooter :-)
We finally made it to my parents around 8am, ate, exchanged gifts, ran home and attempted to get everyone ready so we could be over to Thad's parents by 11:00. Thad's parents bought a trampoline this year and the kids (big and little) had so much fun bouncing all afternoon. We were able to go home, squeeze in a little nap and then head back to my parents house for dinner at 5pm. Needless to say, the next day I was sick in bed ALL day :-(
We have decided that next year we will only be going out 1 time. No more running all over town.
I was so intent on video taping the girls opening their gifts that I realized too late that I had not gotten one single picture of the event :-( So, the pictures this year are very limited.
I did manage to take a picture of the aftermath. This wasn't even the worst of it.
Once we opened up Jacey's play kitchen and attempted to put it together the house was literally destroyed. Holy cow, who knew putting together one toy could make such a mess and be so time consuming. It literally took Thad an entire day to put the dang thing together.

Thad had to prove that he could still do a flip or two at his old age :-)

Then David had to out do Thad

And then Jacey took a turn :-)

The Mason family in all their glory :-)