Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Madness
Happy Thanksgiving (okay so I'm a little late)!!!!
Yesterday was crammed full of activities. I'm still recuperating. We started off at The Masons for our first Thanksgiving feast and then we headed over to the Skousens for another feast (About an hour apart). This year my Aunt Diane and her kids (and their kids) came down to join in the fun. It was awesome to see my cousins that I never get to see. It was a ton of fun and the kids loved it. Thanks Mom & Dad for having us all at your house and for making such an excellent meal (and for the the trampoline-the hit of the party) :-) My Mom, Gina & I ended the day by going to see the movie "Australia". It was a little slow and a little long (3 hours) but it was really good. I LOVED it.

What would Thanksgiving be without an early morning shopping spree the day after???? Am I crazy for getting up at the crack of dawn to fight the crowds so that I could grab this cute little jeep for Jacey? Here's a shout out to Alana Parker who saved the day today and helped me snag the last one!!!!! P.S-I still hate Walmart!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Family Fun
We had family pictures taken a few weeks ago. It's been about a year and a half since we had ones of all of us taken so it was way over due. Miracles never cease, Jacey was sooo good for these pictures. That NEVER happens. Here are just a few of the cute pictures we got :-)
My cranky two year old being such a sweet heart :-)
Typical Thad. Getting him off the phone is like pulling teeth!!!
Update and video of Keely:
Keely is at such a fun age right now. I love it. She can sit and just talk to herself for a good hour. Her little smile just brightens my day. She is getting so chunky but she's still so stinking cute.
Update and video of Keely:
Keely is at such a fun age right now. I love it. She can sit and just talk to herself for a good hour. Her little smile just brightens my day. She is getting so chunky but she's still so stinking cute.
She is 3 1/2 months old right now, holy cow how the time flies by. I think she's teething as well because she drools like crazy and is cranky, which is not normal for her. This video is of her talking to herself while playing on her baby Einstein mat. The star hanging from the top has a light that blinks and it plays music. She LOVES it!!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
San Diego Trip
Since I have still not found our other memory card I decided I'd go ahead and post the pictures I do have of our trip. Thad hates to go on vacation because he might miss out on a job. I love his work ethic but hate that it's like pulling teeth to get him to go anywhere. So, on the rare occasion that we do go on vacation it is usually to San Diego. It's close and Thad LOVES the beach. This year we stayed at the Pacific Terrace Hotel. Can I just say AWESOME!!! The hotel was right on the beach and we had a room with a full ocean view. I would LOVE to live in San Diego. We had so much fun going to Sea World, Lego Land, Belmont Park @ Mission Beach, Coronado Island, etc... The pictures that we do have are from our last day in San Diego which we spent on Coronado Island. Enjoy!!!!
Random pictures of my cutie pies. We had breakfast several times at this awesome restaurant called Kono's. It was right off of the boardwalk/beach. Our friend Mara drove up late Monday night and spent all day Tuesday with us at Lego Land and came with us to Coronado Island on Wednesday before heading back to AZ. Thanks for coming with us Mara!!!!
Thad and two of the loves of his life, playing in the beach. This was Keely's first time swimming and she LOVED it. The water was freezing and she still loved it!!!!
We took a tour of the Hotel Del Coronado before heading to the beach. One of these years I'm going to talk Thad into staying there for one of our trips. It is sooo nice!!!!
We had so much fun playing at the beach. There were hundreds of Star fish on the beach. Thad brought me one and I explained that it was a living creature and made him throw it back in. He also found a crab and thought it would be fun to come set it down next to where I was laying. Yuck!!!!
Our hotel had a heated pool which was awesome!!! The jacuzzi was even better. Every morning and every night Thad and Jacey would go for a run on the beach, then jump into the ocean before coming back and playing in the pool. Where was I???? Feeding the baby and not freezing my butt off :-)

P.S-Keely is getting to be quite the little chunker. What happend to my tiny baby :-(
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tagged again!!
Sorry Jen. I just saw that you tagged me. I'm not much for tagging, I guess I feel like my life's not exciting enough :-)
5 joys...
*Hearing my children laugh
*Being in Young Women's
*Spending time with my family
5 fears...
I hope I'm not jinxing myself with this one :-(
*Losing one or both of my children
*Losing someone close to me (spouse, mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, etc...)
*repeat the 1st two for the rest of my fears
5 surprising facts...
(Man this one was Really hard for me)
*I didn't get married until I was almost 29
*My husband is 2 yrs younger than me (but acts 20 years younger)
*I have 3 children: Jacey, Keely and Thad :-)
*I LOVE to listen to loud music. I love driving Thad's truck because it has an amplifier in
it and the base is so loud the seat vibrates :-)
*I have a really good memory when it comes to inconsequential things (like who I had a crush on in kindergarten or every annoying thing Thad has ever done :0)
5 obsessions...
*Having a clean house (although that RARELY happens)
*90210 (the new and the old)
*Shopping (Hmm, did I mention that one earlier???)
*My children
*Diet Dr. Pepper (although I'm trying really hard to not drink it)
Okay, I tag: Nicole Black, Felicia, and Maren :-)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Can I cry now???
Remember those 200+ pictures I promised of San Diego? Well, it looks as though that is never going to happen :-( We took so many pictures that by day 3 of our trip our memory card was completley full. So, my dear hubby decided to swap out the card from our new camera with the one from our old (yes, he brought both cameras) so we could keep snapping away. The only problem now is that Thad can't seem to remember where the heck he put the memory card. I have searched every inch of our clothes, bags, cameras, luggage, etc... and there is no memory card with 215 pictures to be found (we even called the hotel) :-(
Just thinking about all the cute pictures of my kids at Sea World, Lego Land, etc... down the drain makes me sick to my stomach. I'm going to spend one last day looking and then attempt to be happy with the 15 or so pictures we did get. Wish me luck!!!!!
Remember those 200+ pictures I promised of San Diego? Well, it looks as though that is never going to happen :-( We took so many pictures that by day 3 of our trip our memory card was completley full. So, my dear hubby decided to swap out the card from our new camera with the one from our old (yes, he brought both cameras) so we could keep snapping away. The only problem now is that Thad can't seem to remember where the heck he put the memory card. I have searched every inch of our clothes, bags, cameras, luggage, etc... and there is no memory card with 215 pictures to be found (we even called the hotel) :-(
Just thinking about all the cute pictures of my kids at Sea World, Lego Land, etc... down the drain makes me sick to my stomach. I'm going to spend one last day looking and then attempt to be happy with the 15 or so pictures we did get. Wish me luck!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tag, your it!!!
My friend Melanie tagged me so I guess I'll go along with the game :-) I'm supposed to post a particular file/picture number (totally random).
So, here's the 4th picture in my 4th file.
This picture was the summer of 2007. We were just getting ready to go to the Lake with some friends of ours. Believe it or not, this was before Jacey become such a little fishy!!!! She was just barely a year old here. I miss my little baby :-(
By the way, get ready for some serious posting. We just got back from San Diego (today) and we took 200+ pictures. I am planning on turning this blog into a book at the end of the year so I'll be posting lots of pics :-)
Okay, I'll tag: Rachel, Sarah Williams, Charisse and my Dad. Go to your My pictures file and pull up the 4th folder and then the 4th picture in that folder and post it :-)
So, here's the 4th picture in my 4th file.
By the way, get ready for some serious posting. We just got back from San Diego (today) and we took 200+ pictures. I am planning on turning this blog into a book at the end of the year so I'll be posting lots of pics :-)
Okay, I'll tag: Rachel, Sarah Williams, Charisse and my Dad. Go to your My pictures file and pull up the 4th folder and then the 4th picture in that folder and post it :-)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween & other fun pics
Halloween always drives me crazy. I love it but it is such a process to figure out what costumes to put the kids in. Jacey was a fairy princess last year and her outfit was soooo dang cute. I had a really hard time for some reason this year. After looking all over I finally just decided to have her be Snow White. I figured she could use the dress for "dress up" after Halloween. I got her the dress and several matching accessories (which she proceeded to take off and put inside her halloween pumpkin). I knew she wouldn't wear a wig but I wanted her hair to be black like Snow White. So, I got the bright idea to spray color into her hair. Note to self: NEVER do that again. Talk about a royal mess!!!! I straightened her hair which made it look so long :-) And then began the process of turning it black. It turned everything else black instead and just made her hair look grey. Oh well, I tried :-) I think she still looked cute. After running to my parents and grandparents houses we went to the Schneider's (Thad's bro's inlaws) for homeade Chili, doughnuts & rootbeer. Jacey had a lot of fun going trick or treating around their neighborhood with her cousin Aubrey. We then headed off to the end of a block party in Lehi where Jacey got to jump and play around for a while. Way too much running around. I think we've decided that next year we will just stay home and every one can come to us :-) Jacey got a kick out of Thad's scary monster mask. He put it on and went in to wake her up from her nap. She wasn't scared a bit. She thought it was funny!!!

Yes, my husband really put this stupid sign out in front of our house. I tell you, Jacey acts older than he does!!!!
A few pictures from when we took the YM/YW to Schnepf farms.
Jacey's favorite thing to do at the farm is ride the train. They had monsters, etc... jumping out as us as we rode around. Jacey loved it and kept wanting to see more monsters :-)

Yes, my husband really put this stupid sign out in front of our house. I tell you, Jacey acts older than he does!!!!
A few pictures from when we took the YM/YW to Schnepf farms.

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